JED ESCUETA / Media Blitz
June 17 / bar opens 6pm
In the midst of the normal and the ordinary, the inevitable deviation is what matters. And it is inevitable-- we have all done something that becomes one for the books, where we pay homage to the rock star and his neon lights, sex, booze and rock and roll, shredding (not walking!) the edge, throttling life to a blinding height. But living fast and dying young is not so much the issue. What is being revealed is the individual's conviction to stray and to meander yet arrive at a resolution which poses as a seductive alternative to the norm. It is also a question of identity-- distilling oneself in a vast world surely makes use of some degree of rebellion, finding out what drives us, what makes us tick, how we innovate our victories, how we fall to our failures.
In Media Blitz, Jed Escueta revisits the roots of his practice through punk music and culture through a screening of a video documentary of the legendary punk band, The Germs. Is there only one way to be, one way to go about things? Whether music, religion or in this case, Escueta's practice, the existence of the possibility to deflect what is expected proves otherwise. So come and join us as we beat the midweek blues this Wednesday at Green Papaya for a movie and the usual chill out session to follow. See you there! (ZD)
In Media Blitz, Jed Escueta revisits the roots of his practice through punk music and culture through a screening of a video documentary of the legendary punk band, The Germs. Is there only one way to be, one way to go about things? Whether music, religion or in this case, Escueta's practice, the existence of the possibility to deflect what is expected proves otherwise. So come and join us as we beat the midweek blues this Wednesday at Green Papaya for a movie and the usual chill out session to follow. See you there! (ZD)
The WOP Residency Progran is supPorted by Arts Network Asia. www.artsnetworkasia.org http://wednesdaysmnlove.blogspot.com www.artsnetworkasia.org
41 T. Gener Street (corner Kamuning Rd.), Quezon City Phone/Fax 7941628
greenpapayaartprojects@gmail.com info@greenpapayaartprojects.org
www.greenpapayaartprojects.org / http://papayapost.blogspot.com
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